Investor FAQs

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What is UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s business?

UCLOUDLINK Group Inc. is a leading mobile data traffic sharing marketplace.

Where is UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s corporate headquarters located?
How many employees does UCLOUDLINK Group Inc. have?
When does UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s fiscal year end?
On which exchange is UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s stock traded and what is the ticker symbol?
How many UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s ordinary shares does one American Depositary Share ("ADS") of the Company represent?
How can I obtain a copy of UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s Annual Report?
Who is UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s independent auditor?
Who is UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s US legal counsel?
Who is UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s Depositary Bank for ADSs?
How does UCLOUDLINK Group Inc. intend to use its proceeds from the IPO?
How can I contact UCLOUDLINK Group Inc.'s Investor Relations Department?